Heart Technique
Mette Bergmann
For much of my life, my conscious focus has been to get to the core of who I am. I have wanted and asked to be informed. Prayed that I could be allowed to experience, experience and live from the full potential of my soul. The place where true peace and true love are found.
The 5 techniques in Heart Technique®
To still the mind’s thoughts and release stress from the mind and nervous system.
Soul Awareness
To directly feel, experience and awaken one’s soul.
Heart Expansion
To promote self-forgiveness leading to increased love, compassion and forgiveness - for one’s self and for others.
Spontaneous Creation
To consciously and effortlessly tap into the natural law of attraction. This step will enhance the body’s energy system with a matching quality of energy vibration of Source, of ones higher-self.
Gratitude Perception
To transition one’s perception toward receiving increased universal support, love, trust and joy.